PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Spring 2020 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library. This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a research project in Digital...
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Spring 2020 Faculty Grant Program. This provides research funding to Tenure-line and Career-line faculty in the Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture + Planning, and Marriott Library working in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge...
Battlegrounds is a new multi-media installation that looks at where land ownership, management and policy overlaps with the ownership, management and policy around the female body.--Prof. Wendy Wischer ...
My Postdoc at Digital Matters In my work as a digital humanist, I spend a lot of my time counting things—words, documents, topics, citations, hours spent getting even my simple bits of code to work. In describing to friends, family, and students what Digital Matters is,...
Many of the most radical, transformative discoveries for the scope of the project had as much to do with the supportive individuals in and around Digital Matters as with those technologies. --Jace Brittain ...