25 Jul Call for Applications: Graduate Student Residency Fellowship
Graduate Student Residency Fellowship with Digital Matters (PDF)
For Spring 2019
Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the 2018-19 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library.
This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a research project in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge and extend their respective fields. The fellowship will consist of a semester-long residency, with the possibility to extend a second semester.
Fellows will receive:
• $10,000 per semester stipend to pursue their research, and tuition benefits (fellows should purchase health insurance using funds from their stipends).
• A desk in a shared workspace in Digital Matters at the Marriott Library.
• Dedicated time for advancing their project.
• A dynamic and diverse digital scholarship community to advise, collaborate, or otherwise help with their research project.
• Applicants must be enrolled full time in an M.F.A., M.Arch., M.A. or Ph.D. program in the Humanities, Fine Arts, or Architecture+Planning at the University of Utah, and be in good standing.
• No previous experience in digital scholarship is necessary, but applicants should demonstrate interest in OR prior engagement with digital scholarship, broadly conceived.
• Lead a workshop on a digital platform, tool, or method of their choice during the semester in residence.
• Fellows will participate in the biweekly Digital Matters Research Interest Group where they will have the opportunity to deliver a work-in-progress talk and receive feedback on their project from faculty and students across multiple disciplines.
• Eventually make the work completed during their residency open access where possible and appropriate.
• Write a summary blog post for the Digital Matters website about the work completed while in residence.
• Fellows must be in residence at Digital Matters for the duration of the fellowship: this means working in the space 15-20 hours a week, attending events, and being an engaged member of the Digital Matters community as able.
Applicants are asked to submit a portfolio that includes:
• One-page cover letter explaining your research project and qualifications.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• One-page proposal for a possible workshop on a digital platform or tool.
Submit applications by emailing them as PDF attachments to elizabeth.callaway@utah.edu.
Applications for residency in Spring Semester 2019, must be submitted October 1st, 2018. Applicants will be notified of their status by November 1st, 2018.
Please feel free to contact David Roh (david.roh@utah.edu), Rebekah Cummings (rebekah.cummings@utah.edu), or Elizabeth Callaway (elizabeth.callaway@utah.edu) if you have questions or if you’d like to work through your idea before submitting an application.
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